
The Cove

The Japanese never fail to strike a blow against the anti-activitiesy of hunting wheals. They often resist anti-activity of hunting andseem to say, “Why we should not eat wheals but though we can eat do beef or and pork?”
However, they’re completely missing the point. Because the anti-activiststy of hunting whales think to only protection of wheals only, and they may say “that is true.”insist on their righteousness. The accusation doesn’t make sense.goes for nothing. In addition, it will be able to say that it applies to us too. On the contrary, tThere are several examplesa lot of foods which are eaten in the other countries but, but Japanese never in Japandon’t try to eat. The most typical examples are: Korean people eat dogs and the Chinese eat every animal meat, but on the other hand, Needless to say, there are a lot of opposite of things. For example, there are umeboshi and natto. They are difficult to be accepted all over the world. The difference of these is only stung or not. It is almost of the same that you ask believers in Islam never eat pork and ,Hindu never do beef.“Do you eat something despite you cannot eat meat?”
It is very easy to deny others’ food culture, . but But if the other part are working doing the activieis in all seriousness, I guess youwe had better listen to their affirmationopinions.(235words)

1 件のコメント:

  1. I know what you are saying.
    I dont like that the people says hunting whales is bad without hearing our side of story.
    They think the whales is in danger of extinction. But we dont waste the whales and there is a fact that there are many species that is not in danger of extinctuon.

